An extra sets of keys, a must!

This morning when I was headed to go to work, I started my car. Now, you have to know that my car is a 1993, Ford Escort. This is a car that Jay Leno has made fun of and I must agree with some of his joking around. To say the least, the car is nickel and diming me, needs more repairs and is quite temper mental, and has more than just a personality of its own.

It used to be that when it was severely cold after starting, it would engage the automatic locks. Well, now it seems to be doing that almost all the time. I didn't notice this in time, as I closed the door as I notice the shed door was open, and went to close the shed door, and then was locked out of my car with it running.

Well, I had the back windows down a bit, but not quite far enough for me to reach in and unlock, but enough for a young child who could, so I thought of my neighbors kids who may not have gone to school yet, so I knocked. Then I remembered, they don't hear me when I knock or ring the door bell. So, I thought and prayed, thinking, hmm, I can be really late for work and run out of gas and tick my wife off and have her come home and unlock the car...

Then I remembered that there was a possibility that I had an old key in my top drawer of my dresser, one that I put out of service because it was the original and about to break at the plastic. So I went back in the house in search for it.

Whew, it was there and I was able to open the car door, then put it back in my dresser drawer and get back on my way to work without disturbing anyone.

Moral of the story: one must have more than just the extra set of keys for each driver in the family.


Dangerman said…
no one every comments on my blog anymore, does that mean they don't come and read it?
MomR said…
I just found it. I know Kimberly reads it. I know she reads mine too but never comments on it. I very seldom have a comment on my blog anymore. I've decided to not let it bother me.....

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